The Best Place To Take Pictures Of Lolita In The UK

In this ancient island country, the breeze is blowing, and the spring and summer alternation between the end of April and the beginning of May is a rare golden season. Not only the weather is good, the sunshine hours are getting longer and longer, so it is very suitable for taking photos.


The first thing to talk about is the Cambridge University, where Hawking once coached, It is also the place of creating “Saying Good-bye to Cambridge Again.” Various old colleges are scattered in ancient cities, the super scholar boys with wearing the plaid vest and newsboy cap, riding a bicycle, hurried through Trinity Lane. The green lawn is littered with lovable little wildflowers, River Cam meandering flow past the wall of the College outside, the air is filled with the aroma of grass.

Cambridge has no walls and each college has its own separate courtyard.


York Minster is the largest medieval church in Europe. It is magnificent and itself carry halo. Certain areas inside the cathedral are not allowed to take pictures. The outside is possible. The courageous people can buy a ticket and follow a narrow spiral staircase to climb the tallest tower in the church and overlooking York City.

York, in the middle of England, is very traditional and very pastoral. Blooming wild daffodils and other wildflowers are everywhere. On both sides of the road is also the typically large and undulating hill, with a variety of color sheep on there.


Whitby is famous for its port and the ruins of Whitby Abbey. Another reason why tourists flock to this place is that this is the birthplace of the most famous vampire Duke of Dracula. Goth Festival is held every year before and after Halloween. Gothic lovers around the world will gather here to show their unique understanding of Gothic culture.

Whitby Abbey is an Anglo-Saxon Gothic church, after many years of wars and fires, only the existing relic is left behind. However, the towering stone walls, narrow window frames, and the mysterious and serious temperament revealed were daunting.


The streets of Scotland are very elegant, but pedestrians and vehicles are very much. The famous Princes Street Garden and the church cemetery next to it are a good place to get quiet. Next to the location is Scott memorial tower of the movie “Cloud” Atlas scene. The towering Gothic towers, It became black because of the characteristics of the rock. Dignified and mysterious.

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