Gothic Animation Movie Recommend
“Coraline” The story’s protagonist is a curious girl named Coraline. She found the 13th door in her new home, She came through this door to...
Trendy and unique taste,refined and elegant life
“Coraline” The story’s protagonist is a curious girl named Coraline. She found the 13th door in her new home, She came through this door to...
The “Gothic Novel” we often say belongs to the English literature faction. It originated in England in the late 18th century, It is a kind...
When it comes to “goth”, a series of keywords such as “darkness”, “lonely” and “retro” will appear in our minds. The movie with this unique...
Remember Harry Potter? Inside the magic cool and mysterious, exciting. The unique mystery can also in the dark style clothing construct the mysterious decadence feeling,...