Carousel And Lolita

On a circular rotating platform, there are rows of wooden horses that move up and down to simulate the horses running. Horses are the most common image. In addition, there will be chariots or carriage-style seats, and even derivative types include rotating cars, trains, and airplanes. The carousel is a common item in today’s playgrounds, and it is also the most popular ride for children.

However, the carousel was not originally designed for entertainment purposes. The oldest carousel appeared about the Byzantine era in the 6th century when people tied baskets to pillars and sat inside to mimic the state of riding. The rides we are now familiar with are inspired by the 12th-century cavalry tournament game. This game with has Byzantine and Arab traditions were introduced to Europe during the Crusades. The cavalry at that time would be in a circle, sitting on the human-driven round wooden horse ring, accompanied by bumps and undulations, and then throwing mud balls filled with spices to each other. It’s hard to throw in the other side. Therefore, this project It is also used to train the riders’ riding skills and dodge skills.

This game is called “Garosello” in Italian and “Carosella” in Spanish. These two words have a very close relationship with “Carousels” in English today.

In the fifteenth century, Turkey used a carousel as a training cavalry. The riders must take off the hat of the person standing there with the stick. By the seventeenth century, a semi-automatic device was created, the Trojan was hung around the central rotating rod, and the rotating rod was pulled by a horse or a mule. The rules of the game have also changed. The riders must sit on the wooden horse and use a spear to puncture the round ring hanging overhead.

During this period, “Carousel” in some countries in Europe also specified military celebrations, such as the carousel feast in the Grand Place in Brussels in 1565, to celebrate the wedding of the Duke and the Princess Library of Portugal.

Of course, the difficulty of the game at this time is much easier than throwing the ball at each other. So, slowly, the hobbyhorses game entered the civilian class, and there were even hobbyhorses tailored specifically for children.

At the same time, there was a game for children that was the swing hobbyhorse.

The industrial revolution of the 1880s introduced steam power, marking the migration of people from rural to urban areas. The emergence of steam engines is the root cause of the true popularity of carousels in the world. People began to combine flying chairs, swing hobbyhorse and steam engines. A modern carousel finally appeared. In 1861, Thomas Bradshaw invented the first steam-driven Mechanical carousel. From now on, the carousels are getting bigger and bigger, and it will never be limited by weight.

The original meaning of the carousel in the tides of the era has long since disappeared, leaving only the flamboyant horses that are increasingly decorated, and the colored lights that are added by the descendants. The role of tactical training was also replaced by joy and dreams. From the battlefield to the pleasure ground, it became the dream of the girls.

As the first representative of a large fantasy toy, the carousel is naturally the first choice for the Lolita dress pattern.

The whole pattern is made up of the carousel and European style. The color is mainly the fairy tale candy color, and the sweet and pleasant style is the main style. The hem is a milky white double-layer gorgeous ruffles and lace.

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