The Plague Doctor Of Seventeenth Century

Plague And Origin

In the history of the world, the plague has had three large-scale outbreaks. The first time was originated in 542 AD, the Byzantine Empire in East Rome under the rule of King Justinian. At the peak of the spread of plague, 5,000-10,000 people died of illness every day, and the total number of deaths reached more than 200,000, almost destroying Jun. Constantinople, and thus spread to the Mediterranean region, has been raging for two centuries.

The second time originated in the Middle Ages and spread rapidly in Europe. The number of people killed in the past three years reached 62 million, killing nearly one-third of Europeans and laying the name of the “black death”. By the end of the 16th century, every European It broke out in ten years, killing at least 25 million people and raging for four centuries.

The third time it broke out in Hong Kong, China, and reached its peak in the 1930s, affecting more than 60 countries in Europe, the United States, Asia, Africa and Australia. More than 10 million people died, but in the past 67 days in China, the plague Kill. This person is from overseas Chinese in Malaysia, WULIEN-TEH.

In Italy, the Black Death broke out between 1656 and 1657 and was extremely devastating. In Naples, Rome and Genoa, between 200,000 and 400,000 people were killed in the Black Death (also known as the plague). This deadly plague comes from There is no final conclusion, but it is said to have spread from Naples because there are no treatments and preventive measures.

In these cities, doctors treating plague are hired to take care of those who have the plague, especially those who have no money to cure the disease. The doctor’s clothing is designed to isolate the so-called “devil taste” and “toxic gas”. That is the source of infection that people identified at the time. Now we classify this as the “toxic gas theory” in the past. Secondly, the plague is caused by Yersinia, which is found in fleas in mice. The patient will develop flu symptoms after infection, accompanied by lymphatic swelling and pain, gangrene, vomiting blood, and the disease will die of infection within a week.

Some historians point out that the work clothes of Dr. Charles are made in the style of soldiers’ helmets. The most notable feature is the bird-like mask made of crystal glass, which not only has aesthetic functions but also plays a role. The role of the gas mask is filled with dried flowers or spices. The spices in the mask are ambergris, Melissa, mint, leaves, camphor, clover, laudanum, end-medicine, rose petals and sage. It is believed that these spices can Be Blocking hernias and odors, the straw in the mask also acts as a “filter air” to protect the doctor from infection.

The plague doctor also wears Moroccan-style leather robes. The hats of the leather robes are inserted into the mask to prevent the head from coming into contact with the patient. The surface of the robes is also coated with a layer of wax to prevent toxic gases from adhering to the surface of the robes. The monk well of the Antara maria de san Vanna bantora observed that those who wore such robes to work in the plague ward did not contract the disease, and he pointed out that the robes prevented the fleas from building nests on people. It is very close to the real reason behind the plague, but unfortunately, he underestimated the flea and only regarded him as an annoying existence, not a carrier of the virus, and also believed that the clothes could not effectively isolate harmful gases. In this way, he also underestimated the role of wax robes.

The doctor will also wear gloves, wear boots, wear a wide-brimmed hat to reflect his occupation, complete inspections and orders through a cane or a walking stick, and not directly contact patients for treatment of toxic gases, it is not valid for the real plague. And include bloodletting and the placement of leeches in infected areas. Toad and spiders also appear in doctor’s prescriptions to absorb harmful gases. The presence of a plague doctor is terrible for the patient because it often means death. The coming, so these doctors are often rejected by people because of their professional nature. From this perspective, you can almost see that the plague doctor is a defender of science, or that considering the mortality rate, it may be more appropriate to call a science martyr.

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