Small Dress Of Golden Age

What is brought to everyone today is the daily retro style, which is very suitable for girls who have already started work. Let us move the pointer of history gently forward and it is not difficult to find that in the first half of the 20th century it can be said that the skirt has undergone earth-shaking changes. The European women liberated from the big hem experienced a playful flapper style, neoclassicism, and two world wars, creating a unique fifties style.

The first naturally is lead “New Look” trend by Dior. Mellow and full smooth natural shoulder line, slim waist and A-line profile, wide hem umbrella skirt supported by the petticoat, Length more than calf, 20cm from the ground, very enchanting.

The dress of Dior in this era is truly elegant and noble. Whether it is daily wear or gorgeous evening dress. From the old drawings, it is easy to see that the sleeve length of this era is usually in the middle of the small arm, the so-called 3/4 sleeve, lined collocation long gloves. The large area exposed of the chest emphasize the beautiful lines of women and to distinguish the upper and lower body by the waistband. Together with a big hem skirt supported by a petticoat, the length reaches the calf, collocation fine heels, the overall shape is very elegant and the womanliness is full.

Not only the hem shape, the round dot arrangement in the pattern, the printed fabric with the large flowers and the plaid pattern are also very popular. The wave dot pattern has even had a profound influence on the later Pop culture and has become one of the landmark symbols of its Pop culture. Also popular is the type A-line coat. The romantic style quickly swept the major brands. The advanced customization brands including Givenchy have introduced their own distinctive skirts. There are other cheap brands that were also popular at the time. In an era without photoshop, by advertising paintings and photographs, will impress countless people.

When it comes to Givenchy, it would have to mention Mr. Givenchy’s muse: Audrey Hepburn. Hepburn not only is Givenchy’s little black dress as his own symbol, In life and work, she has established deep feelings with Mr. Givenchy. The clothing that appeared in her movies, the clothes that were used in everyday life, and the wedding dresses that she had on several wedding occasions were mostly personally designed by Mr. Givenchy.

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